Currently 45 properties for sale

Properties near Todi

Making dreams come true is Special Umbria’s sole objective. Our complete offer of luxury properties near Todi backs this statement. Would you like to have a full view of the hill from which this proud city reveals its majesty? Todi features many of the most beautiful monuments such as the Palazzo dei Priori and the Piazza del Popolo. Wander around in the picturesque streets, enjoy a chat with the locals and enjoy the most exquisite regional dishes. Experience the authentic Italy and leave the bustle of everyday life behind. Special Umbria also helps you overcome any obstacles on your search for one of the many properties near Todi. We can assist you in applying for permits, furnishing your property and finding suitable tenants.

Properties near Todi for sale

When it comes to finding the perfect properties near Todi for sale, the possibilities at Special Umbria are endless. Our service exceeds merely offering suitable houses and villas. If so desired, we will guide you in your own property search. Draw up your personal search criteria and we’ll get started right away. We can also offer you other real estate services, such as:

Most of our properties near Todi for sale have already been supplied with a spacious terrace and a private pool. You also have the option to purchase land in order to build the house of your dreams yourself! If you do so, Special Umbria is at your service to guide you through the entire process.

Properties near Todi Italy

Have you been dreaming of a second residence abroad for years? Special Umbria's properties near Tody, Italy, enable you to truly enjoy the authentic Mediterranean life. In the country itself, the region of Umbria is known as the countries green heart, together with Tuscany, where you’ll also find various of our houses for sale. Come springtime, you may slowly wake up as the last patches of fog gradually dissolve into a clear blue sky. Come summer, you can take a dive into your own pool and enjoy the breathtaking sunset during a late dinner. Discover everything there is to know about our properties near Todi, Italy, on our inspiring Facebook page and view our other luxury villas in Italy!